Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Coons: The Man Harry Reid Calls His 'Pet'

Today, the Senate Conservatives Fund (SCF), chaired by U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) launched a new thirty-second television ad highlighting Chris Coons' deep ties to Washington demonstrated by Harry Reid's claim last week that Chris Coons was "my pet." The SCF ad comes just one day after the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) launched its first ad attacking Christine O'Donnell. SCF is working hard to fill the void in this race left by national Republicans who have indicated they won't invest in the race.
"Senator Reid let the cat out of the bag last week when he said Chris Coons was his pet," said Senator DeMint. "Folks in Delaware don't want to send another 'business as usual' politician to Washington. That's why Christine O'Donnell is the best choice. She's not afraid to stand up to the big spenders in both political parties."
Click here to support the Senate Conservatives Fund.

1 comment:

  1. Harry Reid threatens Nevada voters - "Vote for me or I'll pose nude" - SHOCKING story at:


    Peace! :-)
