Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Daley Moves On; Provides Important Lesson For All

Mayor Richard Daley of Chicago is stepping down as Mayor next year.
He made his announcement yesterday.
Mayor Daley could have continued pretty much for as long as he wanted. He had no significant opposition.
But he decided to leave on his own terms -- sooner rather than later.
Here's part of what Mayor Daley said in his announcement: "Many of you will search to find what's behind my decision. It's simple. I've always believed that every person, especially public officials, must understand when it's time to move on."
Mayor Daley said what so many who have been in power for a long time need to say: "It's time to turn the page."
Everyone needs to turn the page at a certain point and move on to a new chapter in his or her life. Everyone.
Life has taught me this.
And it's a valuable lesson.
It's especially valuable when you're in a "safe" position.
You must give it up. For the good of the organization and (even more importantly) for your own good.
Daley has been in office for 21 years. These days, that's a long time for anyone to stay in one job. If only some of the people in Washington (and in big and small positions all over the nation and all over the world) would simply give it up and move along, we might be in better shape.
It's just the healthy thing to do.
Forget that Daley might be succeeded by Rahm Emanuel (a truly dreadful thought). Just put Chicago aside for a moment.
Take a broader view. For the most part, bright, energetic young people are ready to take the reigns.
It's time to get out of the way and let them go ahead and do it.
Message: Make Way For Tomorrow!

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