Monday, September 13, 2010

Gallup: Public Nixes Dem Congress Actions

The Gallup Poll is out with a new set of figures and they don't look good for the Democrats.
The poll shows that on nearly every major issue, the voters disapprove of the actions of the Democrat Congress.
Here are the results:
Ban bailouts: 61% NO, 37% yes.
Health care: 56% No, 39% yes.
Auto bailouts: 56% NO, 43% yes.
Stimulus: 52% NO, 43% yes.
These are the overall figures for the whole population.
But the figures among independent voters are even worse for the Democrats. Far larger margins of independents vote NO on all of these.
Gallup says these figures "may represent an accumulation of public discontent with the more prominent spending and policy programs Congress has made law."
See gallup's full report by clicking here.

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