Friday, September 17, 2010

It's The 'Year Of The Woman' All Over Again

Politically, THIS is the Year of the Woman.
Because strong, smart women are emerging throughout the nation and are ready to assume powerful positions in the Congress and in America's statehouses.
But you're not hearing much about this from America's mainstream media.
Why? Because most of the women who are coming to the fore are part of a new breed of conservative women.
Just look at the names: Fiorina, Whitman, Bachman, Angle, O'Donnell, Palin. And to these we can add Linda McMahon in Connecticut, Susan Martinez in New Mexico, our own Kim Guadagno in New Jersey and many others.
This constitutes a dramatic game-changer for America and a revolution in the Republican Party.
But let's not forget that the first woman ever to serve in the House and the Senate was a Republican -- Margaret Chase Smith. And she was also the first woman to ever to have her name placed in nomination for President at a major political party convention. And that party would be the Republican Party.
Furthermore, it took a Republican President (Ronald Reagan) to place the first woman on the United States Supreme Court. And that woman was Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, a Republican legislator from Arizona.
So yes, the Republican Party has a long and admirable record when it comes to advancing the cause of women. But you'd never know it if you only read the New York Times or the Washington Post or follow NPR or ABC or CBS or NBC or MSNBC or CNN.
This is a story they're not telling.
This is a story they don't want to tell.
But this is a story -- and these are the facts -- that they will soon have to deal with.

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