Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Kyrillos: Let's Begin NJN Conversion Process

New Jersey State Senator Joe Kyrillos, the ranking Republican member on the Senate Economic Growth Committee, introduced legislation yesterday that would transform The New Jersey Network (NJN) from a publically supported television and radio network into an independent, not-for-profit entity. The bill reflects Governor Christie’s proposal announced last month.
“NJN was created by the Legislature in 1968 in response to a void in coverage of New Jersey news by the major television networks in Philadelphia and New York City,” Kyrillos began. “That need still exists today and New Jersey Network is unique in America because the state is one of two not home to a network broadcast station. The mission of NJN is still essential but it must be transformed to meet modern challenges from a taxpayer supported entity into a private, not-for-profit organization with creative control over programming and content.
“Today I introduced legislation to begin the process of converting NJN from a network subsidized by the taxpayers of this state to an independent, not-for-profit entity uniquely positioned to serve the needs of New Jersey viewers.”

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