Thursday, September 30, 2010

New Gallup Poll: Romney Leads GOP; Your Thoughts?

A new Gallup Poll is out and it shows Mitt Romney in the lead as the choice of Republicans for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination.
Here's the way it breaks down: Romney 19%, Palin 16%, Huckabee 12%, Gingrich 9%, Paul 7%, Pawlenty 3%, Barbour 3%, Thune, Daniels and Santorum with 2% each and Chris Christie and former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson at 1% each.
But the real question now is who is YOUR choice for the GOP nomination?
We've listed all of these (and Paul Ryan) in our own poll on the top right hand corner of this page.
Tell us who you prefer.
Vote now!


  1. We must get rid of the same old same old. My personal choice would be John Thune but he might be too conservative(is this possible) to be elected. If not him then Mitch Daniels.

  2. You're missing the name of the next President of the United States: Lt. Col. Allen West. Thus, I can not vote in your poll.
