Sunday, September 12, 2010

Obama Electoral Coalition 'Frayed, Frazzled'

  • The Los Angeles Times is reporting that just 20 months after his election, President Obama's electoral coalition is "Frayed and Frazzled" and that even Latinos, young people and women are beginning to desert the president.You can read the story here.
  • Meanwhile, the number of people in the U. S. who are living in poverty is on track for a record increase under President Obama. The Associated Press reports that the poverty rate is expected to jump nearly two percent to 15 percent when figures are released during the coming week. This is a bad sign for Democrats.
  • The New York Times has identified Congressman John Adler of South Jersey as one of those members of Congress whose seat is definitely in jeopardy. In an article about Democrats needing triage to save their congressional majority, the Times notes that Adler has already resorted to hardball tactics in his race against Jon Runyan. BTW: The Republican National Committee has identified Runyan as one of its "young guns" and has high hopes for the former Philadelphia eagles star.Click here to get involved in Runyan's campaign.
  • CNS News reports that "In the first 19 months of the Obama administration, the federal debt held by the public increased by $2.5260 trillion, which is more than the cumulative total of the national debt held by the public that was amassed by all U.S. presidents from George Washington through Ronald Reagan." Whew! That is truly a startling (and scary!) figure.
  • King's College President Dinesh D'Souza tells us in Forbes that President Obama is "trapped in his father's time machine" and that consequently Obama is out of touch because he thinks like an anti-colonialist and sees the world through the eyes of someone who lived through the era of colonialism. D'Souza is the author of the forthcoming book The Roots Of Obama's Rage and he says that America today is "governed by a ghost" -- the ghost of Barack Obma, Sr.
  • Michelle Malkin rightly declares that America's great shame is that nothing has yet risen to replace the World Trade Center towers in lower Manhattan. Malkin says: "America can build sports palaces and skyscrapers in record time. We have the brightest engineers and architects, the best-equipped builders and manufacturers, the most generous private entrepreneurs and philanthropists. And yet America has failed to build a single, soaring monument that matches the heroism, greatness, sacrifice, and spirit of freedom that a 9/11 memorial should represent." Make sure you read what she has to say by clicking here.

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