Saturday, September 4, 2010

Push For Hillary 2012 Picks Up Steam

This privately-funded TV spot will run in New York, Los Angeles, Washington and New Orleans.
It's reasonable to expect that there will be more calls for Hillary to run in 2012 even though she says she's not interested.

1 comment:

  1. Hillary in 2012 is a nonstarter. The biggest problem would be the primary. If Ted Kennedy couldn't take out a very vulnerable incumbent in Jimmy Carter in a Presidential primary, Hillary Clinton is not going to be able to take out Obama. The only possible way I'd see her running in 2012 would be if Obama, living up to his statement that he'd rather be a one-term President who did big things than a two-term President who didn't, decided not to run for re-election.

    And even if Hillary Clinton were to run and make it into the general election, do you think that the GOP would be less vicious with her than it would be with Obama? No way. The Clintons still have plenty of political enemies. If anything, the GOP might resent Clinton more because he got over on them twice, turning the 1995-96 government shutdown against them (helping him win re-election) and doing likewise with the 1998 impeachment (helping the Democrats make significant gains in the 1998 midterm elections).
