Thursday, September 2, 2010

Runyan Blasts 'Career Politician' Adler

New Jersey Republican congressional candidate Jon Runyan (NJ-3) released the following statement in response to the latest negative attacks from career politician John Adler. “This latest personal attack is a desperate attempt by career politician John Adler to smear me and distract attention away from our failing economy, extreme unemployment and his record of voting with Nancy Pelosi more than 90% of the time in Congress,” said Runyan. “It’s equal parts pathetic and predictable.”
“It’s been widely-reported that a portion of our family property was assessed as farmland when we bought it. We are in full compliance with the law and pay nearly $60,000 per year in property taxes,” added Runyan.
Runyan also slammed Adler for his selective and convenient outrage over the state’s farmland assessment program.
“If John Adler is so outraged over the how the state’s farmland assessment program is implemented, then why didn’t he do anything to change it during his 16 years as a State Senator in Trenton?” asked Runyan. “This is just another example of a hypocritical, career politician talking out of both sides of his mouth.”

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