Thursday, September 16, 2010

Runyan: Charges Filed, Apology Demanded

Following a report in the Courier-Post newspaper where senior members of the Adler for Congress staff admitted to sending a 64-year old “volunteer” to creep through the woods of Jon Runyan’s property with a camera, frightening his eight-year old daughter who was innocently playing in the front yard, Runyan demanded an apology directly from career politician John Adler and a pledge that Adler will no longer authorize such slimy campaign tactics. “First he blatantly lies about my positions on Social Security and Medicare, then he tells his campaign staff to creep around in the woods outside my house and frightens my eight-year old daughter to the point where she feels compelled to run inside the house looking for her mother,” recounted Runyan, who said he was proud of his wife, a former cop, for taking action by calling the cops and following the person back to Adler HQ. “What’s next? How much further into the gutter can career politician John Adler go? I demand today that Congressman Adler publicly apologizes to me and my family for authorizing these slimy campaign tactics.”
Runyan called Adler’s campaign so far “a disgrace,” and said Adler’s actions speak to a man who will say or do anything to hold onto office and cling to power.
“After 22 years in elected office, this man has nothing positive to say about himself,” said Runyan. “During his 16 years in Trenton, our state’s finances were completely destroyed and our taxes rose to the highest in the nation. During his nearly two years in Washington, he’s voted with Nancy Pelosi more than 90% of the time, including a vote in favor of the biggest spending increase in history and the largest budget deficits in history. John Adler was part of the problem in Trenton and now he’s part of the problem in Washington. It’s time for him to go.”
To get involved in the Jon Runyan campaign click here.

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