Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sestak Turns To Hollywood, Wall St. For Help

Today, Pennsylvania Congressman Joe Sestak will turn to his Hollywood and Wall Street friends to save his flailing campaign at a fundraiser on Wall Street hosted by Hollywood bigwig Harvey Weinstein and New York Senator Chuck Schumer.
It should come as no surprise that Congressman Sestak’s Wall Street friends are eager to bail out his flailing campaign after he voted to bail them out – twice! (RC #681, 10/03/08) Even when 99 Democrats wanted to end the Wall Street bailout in January of 2009, Congressman Sestak voted to keep the $700 billion gift to Wall Street going (RC #27, 01/22/09). Sestak has already received tens of thousands of dollars from the very Wall Street companies he voted to bail out – and now he is clamoring for more (OpenSecrets.Org).
Also hosting the Sestak bailout is movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, a mainstay of the far-left movement and a key backer of Michael Moore’s liberal propaganda films. Weinstein’s latest crusade has been the release of child-rapist Roman Polanski. What exactly does Harvey Weinstein have in common with Pennsylvania’s working families?
“Congressman Sestak should feel right at home with his Wall Street and liberal Hollywood friends tonight,” Toomey Communications Director Nachama Soloveichik said. “After voting for extreme policies that have given us record deficits, Wall Street bailouts, massive tax increases, government-run health care, and skyrocketing unemployment, it is clear that Congressman Sestak is far outside the Pennsylvania mainstream. No wonder he needs his Hollywood and Wall Street friends to bail him out.”

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