Friday, September 10, 2010

Special 9/11 Events Set For West Chester Tomorrow

The Independence Hall Tea Party Association is joining the American Sheepdogs, the Pennsylvania Conservative Council (PACC), and other groups, this Saturday, in a special September 11th Remembrance honoring the more than 3,000 Americans who were killed 9 years ago in a vicious attack upon our nation.

Rich Davis, founder of American Sheepdogs, and Greta Scriboni, Executive Director of the PACC and Association Board Member, have provided details of two related morning events (see below).

American Sheepdogs Special September 11th Rally

When: Saturday, September 11, 9-10 AM

Where: West Chester Court House, High and Market Streets

Contact: Rich Davis, 610.580.4797

AFTER THE RALLY, you are asked to drive to the West Chester University Football Stadium for a special ceremony honoring local Wester Chester hero and Marine veteran, MIKE HORROCKS, who piloted United Airlines Flight 175 that flew into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

Mike Horrocks Statue Unveiling and Ceremony

When: Saturday, September 11, 10:30 AM

Where: Farrell Stadium, 855 South New Street, West Chester, PA

Participating in the event will be various dignitaries and members of the Horrocks family.
Marines from Cherry Point, North Carolina will be present--as well as Mike's WCU football teammates and United Airlines pilots. There will be a special perfomance of bagpipers.
At 12:55 PM, before the start of the West Chester University football game and during the playing of the National Anthem, there will be a flyover of Marine C-130 planes.

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