Sunday, September 26, 2010

What IS It About NYC And Little Girls?

There's just something about New York City and little girls.
Maybe it's the whole story about Eloise, the little girl who lived at The Plaza.
Maybe it's the "Ninas" in all those Broadway drawings by the legendary Al Hirshfeld. Nina was, after all, the artist's daughter.
Maybe it's all those children's books (many for little girls) set in New York City.
Or maybe it's just that memorable song from the Broadway musical, Annie: "Little girls, little girls . . . "
Anyway, little girls (and big gals, too) love Manhattan.
So, it didn't surprise anyone that for her 7th birthday one little girl that we're VERY fond of (she's on the left in the photo) was whisked up to New York with six of her closest friends (that makes seven of 'em) along with their moms and their dolls for a Lucky Seventh Birthday celebration at the American Girl emporium on Fifth Avenue.
Yes, the Little Girls kicked off their journey yesterday on the Red Carpet and motored on up to the Big Apple in High Style. And what a perfect day it was.
Happy Birthday, Alexandra!

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