Friday, October 8, 2010

Adler, Dems Picked Spoiler Candidate!

Did you see the breaking news in today's Courier Post?

Dems picked spoiler candidate

John Adler and the Camden County Democrats thought they could confuse you into supporting the fraud “Tea Party” candidate, Peter DeStefano. They thought they could put one over on you.

Wow, were they wrong.

We need to spread the word about this story fast. Here are five quick things you can do to help Jon Runyan today:

1. Click here to contribute $100, $50, or $10 to send a message to John Adler and the Camden County Democrats that you will not be “confused” into supporting fraud “tea  party” candidate.
2. Click here to sign up to volunteer this weekend. We need to contact as many people as possible to let them know about John Adler’s dirty tricks.
3. Make this your facebook status: John Adler can’t “confuse” me into voting for a fake “tea party” candidate. I’m standing with Jon Runyan.
4. Post this on Twitter:
RT @Runyan2010: Courier Post: Dems picked spoiler candidate No comment from @Adler4Congress #fireadler #tcot
5. Call talk radio like NJ101.5 at 1(800) 283-1015 and let them know you're tired of John Adler's dirty tricks.

Fight back against these shameless, disgusting, dirty tricks. Do it now!

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