Thursday, October 7, 2010

Bedbugs At The Waldorf? Really?!?

Could it be?
Is it true?
Are they there, too?
The New York Post is running a story that a Florida women has said she was bitten by bedbugs at the Waldorf Astoria (a Hilton Hotel) in an attack so painful that the hotel attempted to make amends by upgrading her to a suite in its luxury Waldorf Towers.
New York had been cited at the top of the list of cities with bedbug infestations.
Several New York City stores, office buildings, movie theaters and hotels have been infested and quite a few have been shuttered at least temporarily to be rid of bedbugs.
The guest at the Waldorf said she had bites and welts that were so severe and so painful that she was forced onto the anti-inflammatory drug Prednisone for a week.
To be sure, the Waldorf says no bedbugs were found in the woman's room. Though she acknowledged she received the upgrade, the hotel says the matter was investigated and bedbugs were not present.
Click here to read the full story at the New York Post.
PS - I stayed at the Waldorf for one night last December. This grand, old, legendary hotel requires constant attention and ongoing upkeep. I can't imagine what it must cost just to open the doors to the place. While it was not the newest, trendiest or most up-to-date hotel I've ever stayed in, it remains a very special property. Service was exemplary. And no, were were not bothered by bedbugs or any other uninvited guests. We had a very pleasant stay in a spacious and nicely-appointed room with lovely amenities.

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