Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Christie Leads In 2012 Poll; Vote Today!

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has won the first-ever Tea Party presidential straw poll conducted at the Virginia Tea Party Patriots convention,

Christie came in first with 14% of the vote followed by Sarah Palin with 13.5%
That's funny because Christie and Palin are also running neck-n-neck in our very own straw poll conducted here. Christie has garnered 29% and Palin is right alongside him with 28% herself. Mitt Romney is a distant third with 12% in our poll while Ron Paul takes third place in the Tea Party poll.
More than 200 people have already voted in out poll.
If you haven't already voted, vote now. Choose your candidate at the top right hand corner of this page.
BTW: Christie says there is "no way" he will run in 2012. Palin has yet to officially announce her intentions.

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