Thursday, October 14, 2010

'Draft Christie 2012' Web Site Launched

Even though New Jersey Governor Chris Christie says there is "no way" he will run for President in 2012, he continues to attract zealous supporters all over the country.
Christie recently won a straw poll at a big Tea Party confab in Virginia and he continues to lead our own ongoing poll right here on this blog.
And now a new Draft Chris Christie web site has been launched.
In fact, Matt Lewis at Politics Daily reports as follows:
On the heels of his presidential straw-poll victory at the Virginia Tea Party convention, a new website has been launched urging New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie to run for president.
The Draft Chris Christie for President site is the work of former New Jersey Republican Assembly Executive Director Donald Sico. According to a news release, Sico has no affiliation with Christie or the New Jersey GOP.

Click here to read the full Politics Daily story. 

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