Monday, October 11, 2010

Hamels VS Obama? No Contest!

Watching Cole Hamels lead the Phillies to a sweep and another triumph last night, I was once again reminded of the amazing assets of my Phavorite Phightin Phillie.
Cole Hamels is nothing less than incredible.
Hmmmm . . . If only Barack Obama could be more like Cole Hamels.
Ya see, Obama pretends to be cool. But Hamels really is cool.
The hotter it gets, the more concentrated and focused and effective Hamels can be.
Cole Hamels knows who he is and understands what he does best. And, at his best Hamels is as good as it gets for anyone who does what he does. Hamels is quietly comfortable in the spotlight, on the mound. Obama on the other hand seems like he's still trying to figure out what he wants to be when he grows up.
When he does mess up, Hamels never blames anyone else for his mistakes. He doesn't whine. He doesn't carp. He doesn't bellyache. He mans up and accepts responsibility.
Hamels went through a rough patch but he didn't carry on about it.  That's because Hamels is willing to work hard and to change and adapt when circumstances change. He knows he's not perfect. He relies on inner strengths.
Obama, by comparison seems like a big crybaby. More often than not, his ego shows. And he's also shown himself to be remarkably stubborn.
Finally, Hamels is a team player. For a man of his talents he's remarkably modest. Soft-spoken and unassuming, he's a real gentleman and a damned good sport.
By contrast, Obama loves to strut his stuff. He often seems like a tiresome, one-man show. He thrives on being the center of attention and seems hopelessly dazed and confused when he's not in the spotlight.
Obama can wear on you. It's not a pretty sight -- not at all.
But Hamels -- well, let's just say that watching him is . . .  inspiring.
Obama could learn from Hamels.
He could learn how to be a real champion.
He could learn -- if he really cared to learn

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