Sunday, October 3, 2010

Look Who Says They'll Clean Up The DRPA

I had to laugh the other day when I read that Congressmen Rob Andrews and Bob Brady jointly announced they would introduce federal legislation to clean up the notoriously corrupt, lame and disgraceful excuse for a functioning bi-state agency known as the Delaware River Port Authority (DRPA).
Who's kidding whom here?
Brady is the bare-knuckled boss of the Philadelphia Democrat Party -- a regime that has held power unchecked for 60 years.
And Andrews is the product of the Camden County Democrat organization -- another boss-ruled regime that has held power and dispensed patronage for decades.
The players who rule and run and serve these entrenched fiefdoms are the people who gave us these problems in the first place. These are the people who created and then fed the beast that goes by the name DRPA. These are the people who fill the troughs that feed their lamely complicit followers.
It's a sad and unresponsive cycle.
Every decade or so someone manages to lift the rock and the maggots are exposed for a moment. Enough of a cry for reform eventually arises and the power brokers feel they must do something -- or at least appear to do something that looks or sounds like reform -- to stem the tide and hold off any real actions until the public and the media are otherwise distracted.
So proposals are presented and a great deal of rhetoric is produced by the same old windbags.
And then things die down, the crisis passes, and nothing happens.
That's the usual scenario.
That's the way it's been as long as anyone can remember.
But at least one thing is different this time.
We have a new Governor named Chris Christie and he certainly seems to say what he means and mean what he says. And Pennsylvania may soon have a tough, new, corruption-fighting Governor as well.
Will all this really make a difference in the end?
Will anything really change.
Be vigilant. Don't back down. Insist on reform. And pray.

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