Monday, October 4, 2010

Naked Cowboy's Secret Revealed: He's Actually . . .

His real name is Robert John Burck.
But if you've ever been to Times Square in New York or if you've ever seen reports about him or if you've ever gone to his web site you know him as The Naked Cowboy.
The Naked Cowboysays he has been in Times Square every day for ten years.
Everybody sees him and lots and lots of people take his picture -- 8,000 pictures per hour.
The Naked Cowboy is a business. He'e free enterprise at work.
And he's an All-American capitalist who claims he also has a degree in political science.
This Wednedsay (Ocober 6) The Naked Cowboy will announce that he's running for President of the United States. And guess what?
The Naked Cowboy is a BIG . . . . . conservative!
So, now his secret's out.
This 39-year-old street performer is ready for the Big Time and he thinks it's time for Obama to go. The Cowboy says he running because he wants to defeat the Taliban, end illegal immigration, cut taxes, fight multi-culturalism in public institutions and protect the right to keep and bear arms.
And I suppose he's planning to run his entire campaign right from the Crossroads of the World -- Times Square!

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