Saturday, October 2, 2010

Obama Says 'Don't Quit!' But Is Anybody Listening?

President Obama tells the American people: "Now is not the time to quit."
But the president better start using that language on his own staff.
Because the President's top players are all bailing on him.
Budget chief Peter Orszag walked out on him.
Chief economist Christina Romer said "BuhhhhBye!"
Key adviser Larry Summers is slipping out the door and bck to the cozy confines of Hahhhvahhd,
And now chief of staff Rahm Emanuel has taken advantage of this week's swift breezes to head back to the windy city to run for Mayor.
Next one to bail? Why it's none other that communications guru David Axelrod who says he will leave in the new year.
Except for the Svengali-like Valerie Jarrett that accounts for most of  Obama's inside circle. Gone, gone, gone, gone and gone. Not exactly the mark of stability -- or certitude.
And the last thing we need in this economic climate is a wobbly White House staff and more uncertainty.
So, here's a message to our Dear Leader: get your own house in order and then we can talk about not "quitting."

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