Friday, October 1, 2010

Palin/Christie Lead In 2012 Presidential Straw Poll

Sarah Palin and Chris Christie are currently running first and second respectively in our 2012 Presidential Straw Poll but there's still time to vote.
Anyway, does this mean that a Palin/Christie ticket may be in the offing?
Palin has 30% of the votes and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is close behind with 25%.
The rest of the votes are running as follows:
Mitt Romney - 11%
Haley Barbour - 8%
Paul Ryan - 8%
Mike Pence - 5%
John Thune - 2%
Mitch Daniels - 2%
Newt Gingrich - 2%
The poll is at the top of this web page. Vote today!


  1. I think what the poll means is that the great percentage of the Cirucci voters are from the east coast and Thune and Daniels are still under the radar.

  2. That could very well be. But all this will have time to sort itself out. I suspect the race for 2012 will begin in earnest on November 3, 2010.
