Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Polls Show GOP Maintaining Wide Lead

Two new polls show the Republican Party manitaining a wide lead in both House and Senate races as we enter the stretch run toward the November 2 elections.
In the new Gallup Poll the genric congressional ballot has the GOP leading Democrats 53% to 40% in a high turnout scneario and 56% to 38% in the event of a low turnout.
In either case, these GOP figures exceed the 1994 figures when Republicans swept the elections from coast to coast and captured the House and the Senate.
And this same Gallup Poll showed Republicans leading Democrats by 20% in enthusiastic voters. This dramatic difference has come to be known as the "enthusiasm gap." Republicans have it. Democrats don't.
Click here for more on the Gallup Poll.
Now, on to the Fox News/Opinion Dynamics Poll.
This poll looked at five Senate races in five key states and found Republicans in good position to gain two seats from Democrats and hold onto two seats currently held by Republicans. Democrats seem likely (for now) to hold onto the fith seat.
Hey, four out of five ain;t bad. And the fifth seat's still within striking distance.
Here's how the poll braks down:
GOP pickups: West Virginia and Nevada.
GOP holds: Ohio and Missouri.
Democrat hols: Connecticut.
Click here for complete poll results.

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