Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Special Message From Sharron Angle

I just wanted to update you on how it's going. New polls out each of the last two days have shown me in the lead, one from Fox and the other from CNN. Fox had us up three on Tuesday and CNN had us up two yesterday! So that's great news. These polls have put the Democrats in panic mode. I've forwarded an email below that the Democrat Senate Committee sent out to their list, begging their people for money so they can come into Nevada, attack me, and help Harry Reid.
We've got them on the run, that's for sure. Now that we've got all the momentum, they're going to absolutely throw the kitchen sink at me in order to save Harry Reid's bacon. You've been great this whole campaign, and I hope you'll help me again. Any gift of $75, $50, $35, or even $10 helps tremendously right now. We are so close to winning this race. I'm not taking my foot off the gas, and I hope you won't either.
Thanks again for all you're doing, and I hope this update was useful. Don't forget to check out the email from the Dems below. It's really something. I'll say this as nicely as I can: they're worried.
Talk to you soon.
P.S. We're up in the polls and our ads are working. Everything is clicking. But the Democrats are about to unleash a withering assault on me. Can you help me fight back?

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