Friday, October 1, 2010

Toomey Continues To Attract Praise

Here's what people are saying about Pennsylvania US Senate candidate Pat Toomey:

  • “Pat Toomey is exactly the kind of candidate that Democrats, Republicans, and Independents can rally around," Mayor Reed said.  "His background as a small business owner and his focus on job creation is sorely needed in today's economy.  I believe Pat's emphasis on policies that will cut taxes, ease the regulatory burden on Pennsylvania businesses and workers, and encourage entrepreneurship will help our state and country achieve the economic recovery our citizens deserve." (Democratic Former Mayor of Harrisburg Stephen Reed, 09/27/10)

  • “Pat is a man of principle and integrity.  His commitment to the principles of limited government, individual freedom, and personal liberty are unwavering. Pat has tremendous respect for our armed services and a great love for this country.  I know he will always put the security of our country first. I look forward to helping him win his race in November.” (Former Secretary of the Navy, John Lehman, 09/30/10)

  • “John Lehman, former Secretary of the Navy and member of the 9/11 Commission, endorsed Toomey earlier this afternoon in Harrisburg…‘The really nice thing about the Toomey campaign,’ Lehman continued, ‘is it’s one of the few not to go negative,’ in the sense of ‘refusing to impugn [Sestak's] motives. Toomey sticks to disagreeing on the issues.’” (National Review, 09/30/10)

  • “It’s hard to blame Joe Sestak for choosing to attend a fundraising party with Sen. John Kerry and Theresa Heinz in Pittsburgh rather than to debate Pat Toomey before the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry this past Monday at Hershey Lodge.  After all, Joe needs the money a lot more than he needs to be slapped around by a far more gifted debater in front of audience of unhappy businessmen.” (Delaware County Daily Times, 10/01/10)

  • “It was disappointing to see Sestak miss this week’s debate in Hershey sponsored by the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry and moderated by Ted Koppel…It’s true that the Pa. Chamber debate was only announced in August. Still, Toomey, Corbett and Onorato all found a way to attend.” (Harrisburg Patriot News, 09/30/10)

  • “…The environment in the Keystone State is going to be tough for Sestak to overcome as neither President Obama nor the national party is particularly popular. This race isn't over yet but today you'd still rather be Toomey than Sestak.”(Washington Post, 10/01/10)

  • “The DSCC's nearly $3 million ad campaign over the past five weeks hasn't done much to budge poll numbers in the Keystone state.” (Weekly Standard, 09/28/10)

  • “…Sestak is clearly being dishonest about his record and shifting based on the political wind.” (American Spectator, 09/29/10)

  • “Beyond the campaign-trail boilerplate, however, Sestak has been a fairly reliable Democratic vote, backing his party more than 97% of the time.” (Time, 09/28/10)

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