Monday, October 11, 2010

Toomey: Visit Shows Sestak In 'Lockstep' With Obama/Pelosi

Here's what Pennsylvania US Senate candidate Pat Toomey had to say about President Obama's visit to Philadelphia yesterday:
First, let me say that I welcome the President of the United States back to Pennsylvania. In a way it’s always a good thing for the President of the United States to visit our state and I want to extend that greeting and I look forward to working with the President in the Senate. I’m sure there are areas where we can agree and make progress. I think, in fact, the President has had some good ideas especially on the education initiatives he’s been advocating. I do look forward to that.
However, I have to say that I think his return to Philadelphia to campaign for Joe Sestak is a reminder of the fact that Joe Sestak has been voting in lockstep with President Obama and Nancy Pelosi and pursing a very liberal agenda that’s doing a great deal of harm to our economy. It has been serial bailouts, which are continuing to this day and an unreformed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that will continue to require billions of dollars that Joe Sestak has voted for. In fact, Joe Sestak has proposed his own bailout bill to bailout underwater home mortgages for which he has precisely zero co-sponsors in the house. Apparently there’s just not enough bailout for Joe Sestak.
He’s also supported the massive spending, the staggering stimulus bill as well as other spending measures which would have given us absolutely unsustainable deficits and debt-$1.5 trillion in deficits, a stunning amount of debt that is going to be a real threat to our ability to get this economy moving again. Joe Sestak has supported the cap-and-trade energy tax which if that were to become law would have a devastating impact on Pennsylvania’s economy. He supports card check which is just another of Nancy Pelosi and President Obama’s initiatives to deny workers a secret ballot and impose government bureaucrats between management and workforces in a very counterproductive way. He supported a giant government takeover of healthcare in over $2 trillion in spending, half a trillion dollars of new tax increases and untold new regulations that are going to diminish the quality of healthcare in America.
The combined weight of this whole agenda would, which Joe Sestak has been in favor of 100%, and of which his only criticism is that it did not go far enough, prevent us from having the kind of economic recovery that we should be having. The president and his allies said that if they got their stimulus bill that they wanted the unemployment rate would not go over 8 percent. It went from 7.2 percent at the time of the stimulus to 9.2 percent. We in Pennsylvania have lost 97,000 jobs, that’s net loss, since they got the stimulus bill which was ill conceived in the first place. Friday’s jobs number show we still have very anemic jobs numbers; we’re not generating nearly enough jobs to even absorb the new entrants into the workforce much less to put back to work the millions of Americans that lost their jobs.
The policies that Joe Sestak, Nancy Pelosi and President Obama have been inflicting on our economy are actually making things worse. Joe Sestak likes to claim he’s independent but the truth is his only independence has been when he’s been pursuing his own political ambitions. Otherwise, he’s been in lockstep with Nancy Pelosi and President Obama and they’re doing a great deal of harm. I think that’s what people will be reminded of when they read the stories about President Obama’s visit to Philadelphia. 

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