Friday, October 8, 2010

Unemployment Numbers Remain High

The latest official unemployment numbers are out.
Just released this morning.
And guess what, folks?
They haven't budged.
Haven't moved.
Not one bit.
Unemployment remains high at 9.6%. And it gets worse: The nation has lost another 95,000 jobs. Right now, one in five homes is in foreclosure. And, according to Gallup, if you count the underemployed, the unemployment number actually jumps to 10.8%
The stimulus has been a failure.
The current economic policies have bombed.
That hopey changey thingie has tanked.
And we cannot and must not go any further down this road. November 2 is coming . . . it's coming . . . . and you know what you have to do.
BTW: Economists had predicted we would gain jobs this month. We didn't. Instead, we lost more jobs.

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