Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Yo, Gore Vidal -- Shut Up And Go Away

Cranky 'ole Gore Vidal is at it again.
Here's another example of  an old coot who doesn't realize that time has passed him by.
In a telephone interview with the New Statesman Vidal says Tea Party types "hate everybody."
But, as usual it's Vidal who's in a hateful mood and what he hates most is America. Vidal's been predicting the demise of America for decades. He's positively gleeful whenever America falls on hard times. He has total disdain for ordinary, everyday, hard-working, productive Americans -- the sort of people who made this country great.
Vidal predicts that the US will soon be ruled by a dictator and he admonishes us for being the land of "deceit and corruption" as well as "the crookedest place on earth."
My mother had a theory about venomous, ancient gargoyles like Vidal. She said they hung around so long because "even the Lord doesn't want them." As she explained it, He doesn't want to have to deal with them so He keeps them in their own self-created hell on earth.
Now that's a chilling thought as we approach Halloween!

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