Monday, November 1, 2010

Get Ready, America. Here We Come!


  1. Looks like you're right. I just hope the GOP has learned from its mistakes from 1994-2006. Even if America really is a right-of-center country, it wants its government to work, whatever the right way is. It doesn't want partisan pi$$ing contests. It wants results.

    If the GOP takes over tomorrow as expected, I strongly advise them to not think about 2012. The focus should be on finding solutions to our problems, not on taking out Obama in 2012 (as Mitch McConnell foolishly said the other day). If the GOP focuses on actual problem solving - even if it means (gasp!) working with Democrats and compromising on some things and ruffling the Tea Party's feathers. Do that, and 2012 will take care of itself.

  2. All sound and prudent suggestions.
    "But first, let's get past tomorrow," he said with his fingers crossed.
