Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Our 'Must Read' Opinion Becomes 'Most Read'!

We knew that our opinion piece ("The 5 things Obama ought to do now") was a must read.
But we didn't know that it would become the most-read opinion piece in today's Philadelphia Daily News.
And we didn't realize that it would also become the most e-mailed opinion piece.
And we had no idea that it would generate a whopping 58 comments in the comment section.
Yes - Obama still generates strong feelings, one way or the other. And we're happy that our views create a healthy controversy.
We thank you all for reading and for paying attention and for commenting and debating and arguing. You are helping to make democracy work and that's all that we could ask for.
And of course we thank the Philadelphia Daily News for continuing to give us a forum.
Thanks, everybody!

1 comment:

  1. One thing that bears mentioning is that the Democrats' base stayed home in droves last week. While the right was galvanized and the middle (such as it is anymore) was alienated, the left felt betrayed and like they had no reason to make the effort to vote for Democratic candidates.

    Even if Obama does the things you say he should do (and they're all good suggestions), he also needs to throw his base some bones. He has to give them a reason to take the time and jump through the hoops necessary to vote for him in 2012. Repealing DADT and allowing homosexuals to serve in the military, for example, was one way to do that.

    Yes, you need to win the middle. But if you don't get your base to the polls, it doesn't matter how centrist or appealing to the middle you are. If Obama can't throw some bones to his base or otherwise galvanize it, he'll lose in 2012 no matter how much he listens and moves to the middle. Republicans aren't all of a sudden going to vote for Obama just because he became a centrist.
