Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Special Message From Jon Runyan

We did it! Last night we made history and sent a message to the political establishment. I want to thank the voters and all of the dedicated volunteers who made this victory possible.
Over the course of the campaign, I met thousands of families and individuals who are fed up with higher taxes, bigger government and out-of-control spending by politicians in Washington. As I said last night, I will give everything I have to help get this country back on track and put people back to work. I'll do it through hard work and common sense - something very much needed in Congress.
Our campaign ran one of the most aggressive Get Out the Vote operations in the country - making 280,523 phone calls since October 19th. I will never forget the effort that was behind me winning this race and I will never let you down.
It is going to be an honor to represent you in Congress.
Thanks for your time and support,

Jon Runyan

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