Thursday, December 2, 2010

Byko: Negrin Spouts 'Nonsense,' Not Common Sense

Bravo to our freind, Daily News columnist Stu Bykofsky for his great column in the newspaper today. Here's part of what he says:

To the Christmas-haters, how about letting the vast majority enjoy themselves? Be a little - dare I say it? - tolerant. If a "Christmas Village" offends you, why not stick a candy cane in your mouth and look the other way?
Jesus was not only a religious figure, but also he had secular importance as a teacher and philosopher. Would we rename Martin Luther King Jr. Day to "Some Random Black Guy Day" because MLK makes some people "uncomfortable"?
The city claimed that it had received a few dozen complaints. Since I can get the city 200 complaints about carriage horses working around Independence Mall, I asked Negrin how many complaints it takes to get the city to jump.
It's not that way at all, he said.
It's about being inclusive, and common sense, he said.
That is nonsense, not common sense. It sounds as if being "inclusive" means excluding Christians.
No one says it better than Stu -- and no one makes more sense. Hurry, click here to read the whole column at the Daily News.

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