Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Palinmania: It's Time For A Time Out

ABC television is reporting that ABC News “Good Morning America” Co-Anchor Robin Roberts will travel to Alaska "for an interview with Sarah Palin to air on Friday, December 17 on 'Good Morning America.'"
According to ABC "Roberts will spend a day-in-the-life with the former governor and mother of five at her home in Wasilla.
"In a wide-ranging interview, Roberts will talk to Palin about her new book 'America by Heart: Reflections on Family, Faith, and Flag,' plus all the major political news of the day, from taxes to health care to foreign policy."
Here's my observation: I think we can all use a break from Sarah Palin, her family, Wasilla and everything that goes with it just about now.
I've seen enough 'days in the life' of Sarah Palin. It's time for a "time out."

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't agree more. All these stories and shows about her definitely attract an audience, but they fuel the perception that she is a celebrity rather than a serious politician who (presumably) wants to lead a country of 300+ million people. If she really wants to be President, she needs to shed this perception and do things that give her credibility with an electorate that, frankly, mostly views her in a negative light.
