Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Philly "Christmas" Banishment Reeks Of Cowardice

Here's a letter that appears in the Philadelphia Daily News today:
The Nutter administration's controversial decision to remove the word "Christmas" from the Christmas Village sign on Dilworth Plaza is appalling and is further evidence that this administration is paralyzed by political correctness at the expense of common sense.
Make no mistake, Managing Director Richard Negrin didn't make this decision without the mayor's approval. Following the warped logic of this gutless, reactionary decision, perhaps we should remove William Penn from atop City Hall and rename the Ben Franklin Bridge "The Bridge" lest we run the risk of offending people who don't particularly care for Quakerism. And what about the City Hall Christmas tree? Should we start calling it the Holiday Horticulture Display just to be safe? Where does this stupidity end?
All over the world, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Here in Philadelphia, it's beginning to smell a lot like cowardice.
John J. Dougherty
Business Manager
IBEW Local 98
Click here to read more and to vote in the Daily News reader feedback poll on this controversy.

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