Tuesday, December 7, 2010

'Sayings Of Christie' Goes Viral, Scores High

Our column in yesterday's Philadelphia Daily News (The Sayings Of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie) has been an instant sensation.
It has been picked up by numerous websites including lucianne.com and realclearpolitics.com. It was also picked up by The Kansas Progress and by topix.com.
And it was featured on Politicker NJ and mentioned at Blue Jersey.
In addition to all that, this column was the most-viewed opinion piece at philly.com yesterday and it was also one of the most-viewed stories overall and the most e-mailed piece at the site.
We thank all of you for your encouragement and support.
And of course we thank Governor Chris Christie since his actual words made up a good part of the column.
If you haven't already done so, click here to read the entire column.

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