Monday, December 13, 2010

Video: The Best Of Chris Christie's Straight Talk

Some of our blog visitors just can't seem to get enough of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.
And who can blame them? Christie is America's new master of straight talk.
He says what he means and means what he says and he's captured the imagination of Americans everywhere.
But for now he belongs to New Jersey and we have every intention of continuing to treasure him and celebrate him. Because, as long as we can remember our state has been thirsting for a leader like this.
He inspires us. He urges us onward. And he makes us proud.
No, he's not perfect. But then again, he doesn't pretend to be. He doesn't hold himself above others.
If you've been following this blog from the beginning, you know that we were among the first to talk about this genuine leader and his refreshingly down-to-earth qualities.
We were there right from the start, long before Chris Christie had a fan club and long before he burst upon the national scene. In fact, we like to think that we played just a teeny, tiny role in his emergence.
So, stick with us and we'll continue to bring you up to the minute as this exciting (and unpredictable) story known as The Christie Phenomenon continues to unfold.

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