Monday, January 3, 2011

Christie: Act On Supreme Court Nomination

Today, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie issued the following statement in light of news that Justice Rivera-Soto will not be seeking reappointment to the Supreme Court of New Jersey.  While Governor Christie praised Justice Rivera-Soto's dedicated service in a letter sent earlier today, the Governor was explicitly clear that he will not provide a nominee for Justice Rivera-Soto's seat until Anne Patterson receives a fair hearing as required by New Jersey's Constitution.
Governor Chris Christie said, "245 days ago I nominated Anne Patterson to the State Supreme Court because of her high level of legal intellect, character and compassion.  Today, 245 days later, she has yet to receive a fair hearing as required by New Jersey’s Constitution while a seat on our highest court continues to remain vacant.  I will not provide a nominee to fill Justice Rivera-Soto's seat until Anne Patterson receives the hearing that she deserves and that the Senate is constitutionally obligated to provide."
In fact, over the past 20 years, the average confirmation time for a State Supreme Court Justice nominee submitted by both Democratic and Republican governors is just 25 days.
"It is completely irresponsible that while it took just 88 days for Elana Kagan to become the 112th Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Anne Patterson is still without a hearing for no good reason and that the Senate has failed to give her the same consideration and deference Republicans and Democrats gave Justice Kagan," Governor Christie concluded.
Please find attached both Justice Rivera-Soto's letter confirming he will not seek reappointment and Governor Christie's reply.

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