Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Gibbs On The Way Out; Others To Follow

worD out of Washington is that White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs is leaving his post.
Gibbs is on the way out.
Others will follow.
In fact, the word inside the beltway is that a major White House shakeup may be underway.
As we noted more than once, President Obama needs to show more than a few staffers the door.
Indeed, the whole Chicago gang needs to be directed back to the windy city -- not just Emanual but ALL of them.
But we hear that the Chicagoans who will be leaving may simply be replaced by other well-connected Chicagoans -- one of them named Daly.
It is imperative that the President begin to rethink his whole approach to governing as he is facing an entirely new set of circumstances; a new reality in Washington.
it,s time for genuinely new faces in then west wing and the whole 18 acres. Let's see if thT really happens. the next few days are likely to tell tnhe tale.

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