Monday, January 24, 2011

New Museum Accepting Founding Members

While the new National Museum of American Jewish History  (NMAJH) in Philadelphia has now officially been open for two months, the opportunity to become a Founding Member is still available.Founding Memberships may be purchased for you or others with a gift of $54. 
Founding Members who make a gift of $180 or more will receive the two-DVD set of "The Jewish Americans," the PBS documentary from Emmy-winning director David Grubin, who made a number of new films for the Museum's core exhibition. 
Founding Members will also have unlimited opportunities to visit NMAJH throughout the 12-month membership term. The names of all Founding Members are also permanently listed in an interactive database in the Museum.
For information on the Museum's fundraising activities, including named-gift opportunities, contact Irv Hurwitz, the Museum's director of institutional advancement, at 215.923.3811 x 133 or via email at ihurwitz@nmajh.or
To sign up as a Founding Member today, visit

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