Friday, January 28, 2011

Photo: Governor And Lover On Secluded Beach

Just a few days after leaving exiting as the governor of South Carolina, Mark Sanford was in Uruguay for a romantic sojourn with his Argentine main squeeze, Maria Belen Chapur.
Sanford was snagged in an extramarital affair with Maria while in office. At the time, he claimed to be hiking the Appalachian Trail. In February 2010 he and his wife divorced.
Photos of the couple on the beach in Punte del Este were published in Argentine magazine.

1 comment:

  1. it tells you what kind of a man Sanford a lovesick teenager frolicking. The two of them have to go through marriage now for everyone is speculating the ending.. Sanford has to marry her for 1) he has to prove he did not make a mistake (losing his political ambition, his family and his plantation (1 out of 3) 2) he does not want to hear "I TOLD YOU SO (by his so called friends) 3) he has no way out (his enamorata doing everything ,(caressing him from head including EGO to toes)and hold him accountable to her well being (they are always in the beach to maintain their tan lines. tsk tsk the former gov. of MISS also humiliated his family publicly and married his enamorata...but lasted only 3 years or so..
