Friday, February 4, 2011

Christie Demands Explanation On Salary Hikes

Calling it a blatant violation of his June 23, 2010 directive, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie yesterday demanded that the Waterfront Commission of New York Harbor explain why it defied his June 23, 2010 veto of the Commission’s budget, which specifically instructed the agency to reduce its proposed budget by $125,000, the amount to be used for the Commission’s non-contractual discretionary salary increases.
“I am disturbed to learn your office ignored my directive, and indeed gave discretionary raises totaling $123,000 to non-contractual employees,” wrote Governor Christie. “Those salary increases were awarded in contravention of my letter, which eliminated funding for such salary increases.”
In June, the Governor rejected a portion of the Waterfront Commission’s proposed 2010-2011 budget indicating that, due to the current fiscal climate, it was not financially appropriate to allow the Waterfront Commission to proceed with salary increases that are not contractually obligated.
In his February 3, 2011 letter, the Governor also ordered that all affected salaries immediately be reduced to their original levels prior to the increase and has demanded a written explanation within seven days to explain why the increases were granted.

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