Sunday, February 6, 2011

Christina Aguilera Screws Up National Anthem on Super Bowl

The Super Bowl. The most-watched television event in America. A sporting event as American as apple pie. And Christina Aguilera - a professional singer who earns a gazillion dollars to remember the words to a variety of musical numbers - forgets the words to The Star Spangled Banner.

It was instantly noticeable. And pretty much unforgivable.

Now I know it could have been a case of nerves. And plenty of other people have goofed up when singing the song. But Christina Aguilera is not your typical singer. She's more than a professional; she's a super-star. She's also a natural-born America citizen. So there's really no excuse.

I don't know about you, but I can't go a matter of weeks without hearing our national anthem. I learned it as a child and know it by heart. I still get caught up in the words and tears occasionally well up when I hear the song's first stanzas. It's more than a song. It represents what's great about this country. Our never-say-die attitude. Our love of freedom. That this is the greatest place in the world. And if you're an American, you damn well better know the words.

Show some pride Christina!

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