Monday, February 7, 2011

Former PA. Gov. Rendell, Wife Call It Quits

Friends told me months ago.
They said that Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell and his wife would call it splitsville once the Governor was out of office. It was just a matter of time.
They told me the split would probably be amicable. They said the Governor was totally smitten by his new main squeeze and that that's where he'd be spending his time once he was done with his job in Harrisburg. "He wants a whole new life," they said.
These friends swore me to secrecy but they said that Ed Rendell was looking forward to living his own life his way once he broke free of public scrutiny: Becoming a sports announcer and/or TV commentator, making a lot of money and being with his new gal pal.
They also told me that his wonderful wife, Midge (a federal judge) seemed to be OK with it all.
And so now comes the word that apparently everything I heard was true.
But I kept my word. I said I wouldn't write it up -- here or anywhere. And I didn't.
Now though, it's just been announced. So it's OK to talk about it.
It's official: Gov. Rendell and his wife, U.S. Appellate Judge Marjorie “Midge” Rendell, have announced in an e-mail to friends today that they will be “living separately” now that they have left the Governor’s Mansion in Harrisburg.
We wish them well.
Click here to read more.
BTW: It's a safe bet that most reporters, editors and media type heard the same stories that I did and generally chose not to follow the reports any further. I'm told that in Big Time Democrat political circles (and inside Harrisburg and among the power elite in Philadelphia) all of this was well-known.
Not being a professional journalist, I saw no need to follow through -- plus I had given my word to friends that I would not report the story. The friends who told me did not want to be found out. But the media provided cover.

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