Saturday, February 5, 2011

Here's Why They Can't Say 'Super Bowl'

Why do retailers simply call it the "Big Game"?
Why don't they say "Super Bowl"?
Well, a nice column at Yahoo Sports gives the answer. In part, here's how it's explained:

Advertisers pay huge amounts of money to become an official sponsor of the NFL. In doing so, they buy the right to use league logos, game footage, branding and the trademarked phrases "Super Bowl" and "Super Sunday." Companies that don't pay the premium resort to "ambush marketing" to get around this, hence generic phrases like "big game" and the use of non-NFL jerseys and game footage.
How much does it cost to become an official sponsor? It varies depending on the product, but for big advertisers the price can be astronomical. Anheuser-Busch is reportedly paying $1.2 billion over the next six years to become the exclusive beer of the NFL. The deal doesn't give advertising exclusivity to Budweiser (you'll see commercials from Miller Lite and Coors as well), but the Anheuser-Busch ads will be the only ones that can use NFL imagery and trademarks.
The NFL is vigilant in protecting its copyrighted phrases. Some small, local retailers may sneak by using "Super Sunday" in an ad, but generally the league's team of lawyers is successful in finding rogue advertisers and shutting them down with a cease and desist letter.
So, now you know.
Only official corporate sponsors can use the words "Super Bowl" or "Super Sunday" in advertising.
This is America. It's all about the money, baby.

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