Friday, February 4, 2011

Obama Donor Quits Post: Questionable Activities

She was a strong supporter of presidential candidate Barack Obama.
She sent lots and lots of money his way.
And Cynthia Stroum's financial backing of the Obama campaign landed her a choice diplomatic post as America's ambassador to Luxembourg.
But reports have it that Stroum was a "disaster" in that post.
According to media sources and an internal State Department report released Thursday, less than a week after she quit, Stroum's management of her U.S. Embassy was absolutely dreadful.
Though she was only in the job for one year, she reportedly became known for "personality conflicts, verbal abuse and questionable expenditures on travel, wine and liquor and other indulgences."
Well, she's gone now.
But we're left to wonder: How many others are there like her?

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