Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Pass The Meatloaf & Mashed Potatoes . . . Please!

ARUGULA. Even the word sounds dreadful. Seven letters. Four syllables. It's the main ingredient of a nouveau salad. Sometimes the only ingredient.
You'd never confuse arugula with romaine or (God forbid!) plain old iceberg. It's not nearly as leafy or as substantial. But you might confuse it with something as common as grass clippings. But don't tell the purists. They're so into the stuff that they even crave baby arugula. (Why would anybody want to eat "baby" anything?)
This is the new world of faux food - foods, food supplements and adaptations of more basic foods that are now oh-so-chic I call them "designer foods." And designer foods make for phony meals.
I don't know how it all got started. But I do know
Click here to read the rest of my column in today's Philadelphia Daily News.


  1. Good article, though you missed a couple of the major players. Based on current trends, for example, every single food product (including Oscar Meyer Wieners)will soon be flavored with either pomegranite or green tea, or both.

  2. Nicely done. Although I'm not a fan of meatloaf.
