Wednesday, February 2, 2011

President Reagan's Top Ten Defining Moments

Chris Queen at News Real Blog has compiled the top ten defining moments of Ronald Reagan's presidency. You can read all the details at News Real Blog, but here are the moments, listed in chronological order:

10. Inaugural address, 1/20/81: "Government is the problem."
9. Assassination attempt. 3/30/81: Reagan jokes "I forgot to duck." Going into surgery, he tells doctors: "I hope you're all Republicans."
8. Air Traffic Controllers' Strike. 8/3/81. When Reagan says "you'll be fired," he means it.
7. Signs Economic Recovery Act. 8/13/81.
6. CPAC 10th Anniversary remarks. Reagan tells conservatives: "We will not be turned back." 2/18/83.
5. "Evil Empire" speech. Reagan tells National Association of Evangelicals that Soviets constitute an "evil empire." 3/8/83
4. The Lanslide. Reagan is re-elected in electoral sweep and carries 49 of 50 states. 11/6/84.
3. Libyan Air Strike. America retaliates, means business, stands tall. 4/15/86.
2. "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall." Reagan ushers in the end of the Soviet era. 6/12/87
1. Farewell address to the nation: "All great change in America begins at the dinner table." 1/11/89

Of course, many other moments can be added to these: The remarks on the Challenger disaster. The famous "Go ahead, make my day" comment. Reagan's remarks on the anniversary of  D Day at Normandy.

What were the defining Reagan moments for you?

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