Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Reagan Was Adept Writer And Superb Editor

Lou Cannon has an excellent piece at Politics Daily that verifies that Ronald Reagan wrote most of his own remarks and was a superb writer and deft editor.
Cannon should know. As a reporter, he covered Reagan for decades.
Here's part of what Cannon says:
I learned early on that he [Reagan] wrote most of his own speeches and one-liners -- and an even better editor. The book "Reagan in His Own Hand," by Annelise and Martin Anderson, with Kiron Skinner, reproduces illustrations of presidential speech drafts and the edits Reagan made in them. My favorite, also reproduced in one of my books, is a passage from a historic speech to British parliamentarians in Westminster on June 8, 1982, in which Reagan took some mush that had been written for him about Soviet actions in Europe, crossed it out, and wrote in his distinctive, looping hand: "What I am describing now is a policy and a hope for the long term -- the march of freedom and democracy which will leave Marxism-Leninism on the ash heap of history as it has left other totalitarian ideologies which stifle the freedom and muzzle the expression of citizens."

These are strong words from Joe Sixpack, but Reagan was at once a man of conviction who thought seriously about the great issues of his time and an ordinary American, never braggy, who treated his audiences -- all of us, really -- with consideration and respect.
 Click here to read more at Politics Daily.

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