Monday, February 28, 2011

Tea Party Group Sets School Choice Debate

Independence Hall Tea Party Association
The Great School Choice Discussion, Debate
and General Membership Meeting
 6th and Market Streets
Sunday, March 6, 3-5 PM

Moderator:  Dom Giordano, talk show host, WPHT 1210

3:00-3:15 PM    Presentation: NJ School Choice Bill
                            State Senator Michael Doherty (R-23)

3:15-3:30 PM    Panel Discussion: Vouchers v Tax Credits v 
                            Educational Saving Account

3:30-4:30 PM    Debate: PA SBI
Supporter:  State Senator Anthony Williams (D-8),  PA SB1
                      Prime Sponsor 

Opponent:  Christopher Freind, Friendly Fire Zone
                      columnist; former Executive Director,
                      Reach Alliance (school choice advocacy group).

Supporter:  Rev. JoeWatins, Pastor, Christ Evangelical
                      Lutheran Church; Chairman, Students First.

4:30-5:00 PM   General Membership Meeting 

Please RSVP:  Teri @ 215.690.4043 
Suggested Donation: $5
Soft Drinks Provided    

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