Monday, February 14, 2011

Transgender 'Black Madame's' Butt Injections

She calls herself  "The Black Madame."
She travels with huge trunks of clothing and takes hours just to apply her makeup.
She's also a goth rap artist. In fact, some people say she wanted to be the next Lady Gaga.
And she's reportedly transgender.
But now she's alleged to be the person who's responsible for the death of a 20-year-old British tourist who died last week after she flew to Philadelphia to get silicone injections in a hotel room not far from Philadelphia International Airport. The injector was reportedly The Black Madame.
The victim complained of chest pain shortly after the procedure and was rushed to a local hospital where she died.
Why would you fly from Britain to Philadelphia to get butt enhancement injections at an airport hotel -- and from a person such as this, of all people?
Why? Why? Why?
And what's the real story behind (pardon the choice of word) The Black Madame?
Click here to read more on this story.

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